

Puls Biznesu
TVP3 Lublin

Why so many trusted us

Sites that provide translations online (translators) offer translations from and into over 90 languages. In order to get a translation, it is enough to enter the text into the window of a translator. The most encouraging fact is that an online translation is free and very fast. Why, then, should we avoid websites offering machine translations online? Why do we still need to use the services of translation agencies?

Let us explain why a machine translator online is not a good solution, and the quality of the texts produced by it cannot be compared to the translations offered by agencies which deal with translating texts professionally. The system of electronic translations takes advantage of language patterns. Often, in order to translate something from a given language, an online translator translates it into an intermediate language (usually into English) and only then into the target language, which means that the translation is often chaotic and inaccurate.


We guarantee

  • online translations performed by specialists,
  • consistent terminology of a translation over the internet,
  • a 3-month warranty – in the case of reservations, we will make a free correction,
  • fast and timely execution of orders via the Internet.

Supported fields

Car documents, tender and insurance documentation and policies
Trade, credit contracts, buy-sell agreements, leasing, purchase and sale contracts
Excerpts from trade registers, land and mortgage and KRS registers
Notarial deeds and vital records
Court decisions and rulings, certificates of having no criminal record, pleadings, authorizations, powers of attorney, founding acts of companies, acts, statutes, resolutions, regulations and legal opinions

Accepted formats

including Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, Pages, PDF, scans.

Translating a text over the Internet

The biggest disadvantage of online translators is the lack of understanding of the context and grammar. The difficulty in recognizing tenses by an online translator stems from the fact that English, which is an intermediate language used in the algorithms of many websites that provide online express translations, does not have as many tenses as other languages. Often, an online translator also cannot cope with and cannot recognize formal and informal phrases.

Online translations still have many disadvantages, they are incorrect and have many inaccuracies. It is obvious that if you want to translate official documents, such as letters, official or legal documents, you cannot afford any mistake. This is why you should go to a translation agency that offers professional, accurate translations of significantly higher quality.

Cheap online translation Price list

On our website it is both simple and convenient – you do not have to leave your house to order a translation. We offer instant and automatic pricing online and professional translations in express mode. We also provide sworn and specialist translations for companies, state institutions and individual clients.
As few on the market, we use CAT tools that preserve the formatting of the translated document.

3 simple steps are enough to order a translation performed by our agency online:

  • Choose the language and attach files.
  • The application makes a valuation of the files, and the system generates the cost of the translation.
  • Make a quick payment using the platform


Express translations via the Internet Cities

  • Online translations Lublin
  • Online translations Warsaw
  • Online translations Krakow
  • Online translations Poznań

No Title

Rated 5.0 out of 5
10 February 2020



Bardzo Państwu dziękuję

Rated 5.0 out of 5
3 June 2019

Wszystko dotarło. Bardzo dziękuję za elastyczność i Państwa podejście do sprawy.

Dzięki temu uda nam się wyrobić w czasie z prezentacją.


Wyjątkowo sprawny proces tłumaczenia i obsługi

Rated 5.0 out of 5
27 May 2019

Chciałbym BARDZO serdecznie podziękować, za wyjątkowo sprawny proces tłumaczenia i obsługi na każdym poziomie. Jestem naprawdę pod dużym, pozytywnym wrażeniem.

Będę w kontakcie co do drugiego zlecenia po wizycie w notariacie.

Jeszcze raz dziękuje serdecznie.

Pozdrawiam Panią i tłumacza.


Artykuł na język angielski

Rated 5.0 out of 5
4 April 2019

Piszę w sprawie tłumaczenia artykułu o mitologii na język angielski — praca ta wykonana została doskonale! Tekst został wstępnie przyjęty do druku w czasopiśmie, poproszono mnie tylko o dopisanie szerszej konkluzji, co też uczyniłam. To są dwie strony znormalizowanego tekstu, które też trzeba przetłumaczyć. Wysłałam wiadomość email.


szybkie tłumaczenie przysięgłe — zaświadczenie o zameldowaniu

Rated 5.0 out of 5
4 April 2019

Dziękuję za szybkie tłumaczenie przysięgłe zaświadczenia o zameldowaniu z języka polskiego na niemiecki.

Zleciłam o 11 i już o godzinie 20 skan był już u mnie.

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