Puls Biznesu
TVP3 Lublin

Why so many trusted us

For instance, when translating the description of personal protective equipment or travel advice into Polish, the translator should make a precise translation, so that nothing is omitted or misinforms the recipient. Why should you trust us? When translating documentation of protective equipment, the English or German translator is obliged to carefully check that they did not omit any content in the source text. Any mistake could put someone’s life at risk. When translating documentation of personal protective equipment, we make sure that the translator has not omitted any relevant information; for example, in the manuals for disinfectants. All procedures for washing hands contained in such manuals are precisely translated into Polish to protect users from being infected with coronavirus or another virus.

Understanding the content of a text and its subject matter influences the reliability of a translation, which should be clear and legible for the recipient. This is essential because, in the case of translations concerning personal protection, such as hygiene guidelines, unclear indications may mislead the recipient. In these types of translations into English or German, a consultation with a translator specialising in medical translations or a doctor, who can assist in clarifying vocabulary issues, may be necessary. Specialist and precise terminology is key because, if the translated health information is misread, serious consequences may arise.


We guarantee

  • translations done by specialists,
  • accurate translation of specialist terminology in the documentation of personal protective equipment,
  • a reliable translation of the source text content and the content of the target text, which is clear for the recipient,
  • retention of the source text layout,
  • grammatical, stylistic and punctuation correctness,
  • a three-month warranty — in the case of any remarks, we will perform a free correction,
  • fast and timely execution of orders.

Supported fields

Documentation of personal protective equipment, health documentation, descriptions and manuals for medical equipment or personal protective equipment, health and safety regulations, certificates, attestations, guidelines for hygiene, health and protection messages, rules of conduct in given situations, travel advice, fire prevention guidelines, first aid guidelines.

Accepted formats

We accept medical translations in the following file formats: PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, Open Office. In the case of image files or scans these file formats will also include: JPG, JPEG, PDF. We accept presentations in file formats such as: Microsoft PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress, or as slide images in PDF. The most common file formats are those supported by Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat.

What does the translation of personal protective equipment documentation look like

If the file received for translation into English or German is in the form of an image, scan or in a format that does not allow for easy editing, the document requires conversion into another program, e.g. Microsoft Word, Excel, etc. The files ready for translation are then imported into computer-assisted translation (CAT) programs. Translations of documentation of personal protective equipment into English or German may require the use or the creation of glossaries with field-related specialist terminology.

What does an online medical translator pay attention to

A good English or German translator pays attention to the following:

  • reliable and accurate translation of the text content,
  • stylistically and grammatically correct text in the target language,
  • retention of the source text layout,
  • appropriate translation of units of measure, currency and date formatting.

How are the translations of personal protective equipment documentation valuated?

The unit cost for translating personal protective equipment documentation into English or German is defined as one standard page. It is equivalent to 1600 characters, counting spaces, per page. A page of certified (sworn) translation consists of 1125 characters, counting spaces. The price of a translation into English or German may sometimes also depend on: the difficulty of the text, the deadline by which the translation must be completed, and the file format. These elements are subject to individual assessment.

Online medical translations cities

  • Lublin
  • Wroclaw
  • Warsaw
  • Poznan
  • Krakow
  • Gdansk
  • Bydgoszcz

No Title

Rated 5.0 out of 5
10 February 2020



Bardzo Państwu dziękuję

Rated 5.0 out of 5
3 June 2019

Wszystko dotarło. Bardzo dziękuję za elastyczność i Państwa podejście do sprawy.

Dzięki temu uda nam się wyrobić w czasie z prezentacją.


Wyjątkowo sprawny proces tłumaczenia i obsługi

Rated 5.0 out of 5
27 May 2019

Chciałbym BARDZO serdecznie podziękować, za wyjątkowo sprawny proces tłumaczenia i obsługi na każdym poziomie. Jestem naprawdę pod dużym, pozytywnym wrażeniem.

Będę w kontakcie co do drugiego zlecenia po wizycie w notariacie.

Jeszcze raz dziękuje serdecznie.

Pozdrawiam Panią i tłumacza.


Artykuł na język angielski

Rated 5.0 out of 5
4 April 2019

Piszę w sprawie tłumaczenia artykułu o mitologii na język angielski — praca ta wykonana została doskonale! Tekst został wstępnie przyjęty do druku w czasopiśmie, poproszono mnie tylko o dopisanie szerszej konkluzji, co też uczyniłam. To są dwie strony znormalizowanego tekstu, które też trzeba przetłumaczyć. Wysłałam wiadomość email.


szybkie tłumaczenie przysięgłe — zaświadczenie o zameldowaniu

Rated 5.0 out of 5
4 April 2019

Dziękuję za szybkie tłumaczenie przysięgłe zaświadczenia o zameldowaniu z języka polskiego na niemiecki.

Zleciłam o 11 i już o godzinie 20 skan był już u mnie.

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